Committed to public safety

You can depend on us.


911 calls processed on our network each month


Endpoints supported with our 911 services

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Help first responders assist emergency callers

  • Help emergency personnel find individuals in need of help

    Emergency services can be needed unexpectedly, anywhere.

    It’s vital to provide easy access and accurate location information so emergency personnel can swiftly respond and find people in need of help in an office, a retail store, or any other location.

    Sinch’s modern 911 solutions give you the tools to ensure you place public safety first.

  • Emergency service access for everyone

    Our 911 solutions give enterprises, VoIP and wireless communications providers, carriers, and government entities quick access to emergency services so calls for help can be handled within seconds — accurately and effectively.

  • Integrated solution

    Integrate emergency services into your other Sinch communication solutions for accurate management and validation of addresses and end-to-end call delivery.

  • Turn-key infrastructure

    Use Sinch’s best-in-class 911 platforms and networks to quickly and easily meet emerging needs and deliver critical information in an emergency.

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Stay ahead of the technology curve

We understand providing 911 services is critical to everyone and we make public welfare a top priority. That means we stay on top of 911 technological advances, industry mandates and standards.

Plus, our team is active in key organizations and thought-leadership by participating as primary stakeholders on multiple committees and acting as voting members for some of the top 911 organizations. We’re proud members of: 

multiple logos public welfare stakeholders
call pattern to 911

Future-proof access to your emergency services

Sinch's nationwide, facilities-based network is 100% 911-ready, helping you speed up implementation and transition smoothly from a legacy platform to NG911.

Plus, take advantage of our network scale, expertise, and service provider relationships to achieve capital and operational savings.

hand holding mobile phone emergency services

E911 for service providers

Connect your callers to emergency services with fast, reliable, and accurate delivery of their 911 calls.

NG911 for government and service providers

Migrate your infrastructure to NG911 and enable callers to communicate to first responders via voice, text, data, and video.

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Let's help you get started!

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